As well as the chocolate eggs and Easter treats, why not pick up a book and read it with your child? Buy them a book to go with their chocolate eggs? There are plenty of really lovely books out there to celebrate Easter. Storybooks, pop up books, sticker books, non fiction books and colouring books.
It’s always difficult for me to pick my favourites because to be honest, I would choose them all. So I have come up with a list of 7 children’s books to suit all age groups. Click on the links to learn about each book.

2. My Brother’s Hot Cross Bottom

3. The Story of the Easter Bunny

5. The Easter Rising 1916 – Molly’s Diary

6. The Egg Tree

If your child has enjoyed these books, check out the internet for videos and other resources to support some of the books listed. All you have to do is put the title of the book into the search bar and you will see an assortment of ideas.

We would love to hear about any books you read over Easter, maybe one of the ones I have recommended? Do leave your suggestions in the comments below.