September is around the corner. My Summer has been very full. Full of the joys of family, full of picking baby tomatoes and full of Blackhen planning for this year. September has always been my equivalent of New Year. I think I am wired as a teacher for this period to be one of resolutions and new starts. New faces and new plans, and as you may have seen, a new look website!
Back to school for parents and carers is a highly charged time. There are so many things to remember and you never quite get over that little worry about your children. Will they have a good first day, will they have the same friends, what’s the new teacher like? Later on their educational journey the worries are often still there. Will they be able to do all those exams, is university really worthwhile, how can I explain to them that a new backpack really isn’t necessary?! Even when your children are adults you then look at their children and wonder about learning, and nursery, and school , and the cycle continues.
So wherever you are in the learning journey we all wish you a safe and happy back to school . May the teachers be kind, the lessons absorbing, the friends loyal and most of all may there be a small treat in every lunchbox.